
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is there a cure for pcos?

I have recently been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and having read lots of info on the net, I'm now confused. I haven't always had this condition so is it possible for it to go away or have I got it forever now?
Hi there is no cure for pcos but you can do things to help the condition.It doesn't go away but you can help to improve the symptoms.there is a predisposition for people to develop pcos and it often runs in families.

eat fresh fruit -veg - lean meat - wholemeal bread, pasta rice
drink water.
stop drinking alcohol and smoking
take up some form of gentle exercise.
try to cut out junk food - processed food and sweets - cakes and biscuits
try to keep at a healthy weight as excess weight can add to your symptoms and help with your fertility.
it also keeps the risk of high cholesterol and diabetes from deveoping

there is meds out there to help you ;-
metformin if your insulin resistant / diabetic
clomid to help some with ovulation
dianette contraceptive pill to help if you suffer from acne
ivf is also an option if clomid doesn't work.
there is also herbs agnus castus and wild yam cream that help balance your hormones and may also help you to concive need to be taken for about 3months to get in your system( not to be taken with other meds though)

the best thing I can say is to think positive as you can still get pregnant I have friends who have concieved naturally with pcos.
I haven't managed myself (found out about 6yrs ago) when went for test as had a new partner and we'd been ttc and nothing.
I had 2 kids to an ex (concive naturally) before I knew so you could say that it's definatly possible.
take care best of luck
If you have PCOS, your hormone system is out of balance. To correct this, your first step is to look at what you eat, how much you eat, and how much physical activity you get.

Having PCOS raises your risks of serious health problems. Eating heart-healthy foods, along with getting regular exercise, is the key to lowering these risks.
If you are overweight and have PCOS, a small amount of healthy weight loss is likely to start up your menstrual cycle and ovulation. (PCOS can make it hard to lose weight-making a plan with your doctor, a nutritionist, and/or an athletic trainer can help.)
usually pcos is treated with a drug called metformin (usually used for diabetes), as well as lifestyle changes, regualr exercise, change of diet and weight loss if you are over your BMI range.

To your question regarding - -will it go away, I would have said no, untill I found the second site. Take a look at both of them and you should be less confused.
I have been diagnosed with that same disease, You can help it by being more active and being slim down. I think that it is heriditary because my Aunt had some sort of a disease like that. Ask your doctor what can help with that disease.

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