
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is the Cosmetics Industry in America threatening the Health of its Users?? Your Thoughts..?

Cosmetics Industry is a $37 Billion Dollar a year Industry in America.. Carcinogens and Health Problems unregulated in Manufacturing Cosmetics...
I personally believe that to stay young you should think young and act young. None of that S#!^ works as much as those company's say it do if anything the stuff that goes into it can be more harmful than good. If you want to put stuff on your face try the natural stuff eg aloe Vera etc. I have never used makeup or Cosmetics and most people think I am younger than I am.
As long as the cosmetic industry "promises" women to look younger, more beautiful, resemble movie stars and models, which means as long as they sell illusions, most women won't stop buying cosmetics.

I have not see any research about the dangers of the cosmetic industry but I guess the high-profile manufacturers probably have strict health guidelines, I am not so sure about the cheaper brands.

I feel sorry on one hand that we (women) can be sold illusions, on the other hand if this makes us happy, why actually not?
It's sad but true...they don't care about us...all they care about: money.

We must pray and take good care of ourselves...our souls need prayers as our body needs air and water!

Take good care of youreself!
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