
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is this a UTI?

Okay, well I was sick yesterday with a horrible stomach virus (vomiting, chills, body aches, fever, etc.). This morning when I woke up I felt better. My temp was 97.4 and other than feeling a bit weak I was better. Anyway, this evening about 5:00 I started getting chills again and my throat was a little sore so I took my temp and it was 99.8. I decided to go to the doctor since I never run a fever and it had gone away and then came back. Anyway, the doc did a strep test which was negative and a urine test. He said that I have a UTI. Is this possible when I do not have any of the other classic symptoms of a UTI? Oh, also I have noticed a bad smelling vaginal discharge since yesterday which I did not even think to mention to the doc. I just finished my period though so I was thinking that it could be related to that but now I am wondering if that has something to do with my fever and stuff? Could it be from dehydration?... I am really confused. Please help!
Yes, sometimes one can have atypical (not usually normal) symptoms when having a urinary tract infection. Sometimes UTIs if one has it long enough can spread to the kidney which could also possibly explain the fever you noticed.

Also, sometimes when they do the urine dip (where they check to see if there are indicators of a UTI or other problems) they can catch a UTI in the earliest stages, which can mean that the lady may not feel any symptoms at first either.

As for the smell from your vagina that sounds like it could be something called bacterial vaginosis. I would definitely recommend going ahead and calling the dr back to let them know of this symptom and see what they think.

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