My aunt told me that there is a pill that will prevent your next period from coming. has anybody used it? would it be bad for a 15 year old to use it?
Yes, but don't use it. It'll mess up your development!
Yes. Talk to your dr. You can get on a system of pills or an IUD that keep you fom getting your period more than 3 times a year. OR (talk to doc first) you can take active pills (not the pink placebo week) and as long as you are on active pills, you will not get your period. After years on the pill, decades even, I would adjust mine all the time to get my period one week rather than the next.
Taking THE pill straight through will,,, as will the shot.
yea take 100mL of ecstasy it'll help a lot
yes-birth controls.
If I dont want my period for the month, I just continue using my birth control instead of using the placebos for a week. My doctor says its safe and okay if i still allow my period every three months.
There are several ways of "cancelling" a period, such as going on birth control that only gives you a few periods a year...or if you're already on birth control, skipping the sugar pills and going straight to the next pack will make you skip. But no matter what age you are, it's not good for your's messing with your hormones and it's not natural.
Yes there is such a pill and it's called Seasonale. At 15, maybe it's not for you. You could try Diane 35 instead...cuz it is a low-dose contraceptive.
To stop your periods you need to be on the contraceptive pill, taking it every day. You would need to have been taking the pill for 3 weeks already for it to work.
I don't think a doctor would prescribe it for you at 15 without a good reason
On the normal pill you can skip a period by taking the hormone tablets right the way through when you should be taking the lactose ones. Wouldn't do it very often though.
any sort of birth control can stop a period if taken contunuously. NEVER do this unless under the supervision of a proffesional!
You wouldn't want it. Why do you want to prevent your period? Don't tell me it's because prom is here and you want to get laid... YOU ARE ONLY 15...
BUT, in case it's for medical reasons, lol, I'll tell you.
There is a birth control pill called Seasonel (sp) and that pill only lets you have a period 4 times a year. NOW, those periods obviously would last longer and I don't see why you would want to not have a period except 4 times out of the year because I would think that it could cause problems in your body, but- hey! Whatever floats your boat...
Why would you want to stop it for in the first place? Its not very good for your being so young in all.
its never good if you dont have a period. itf we werent supposed to, we wouldnt have one.
i havent heard of this pill, but yes, there are ways to "skip" you period. if youre on regular birth control, and you skip your sugar pills or "reminder pills" and start the new pack of hormoned, it may be possible that you can skip your period. ive had friends do it, and they said after they did, they had horrible cramping and were really sick. i wouldnt recommend it.
Yes it's possible to stop your periods with pills or shots. But at age 15 it would not be good for your body. Why are you not wanting to have what is natural for your body? Menstrual periods are so healthy for you as a cleansing. Pills of any kind will mess up your system.
any birth control or oral contraceptive pill can stop any period. The way that it can occur is if you continue to take every day the pill, and skip the placebo pill usually taken on last week of pills. The placebo pills have no medication, thus you have menstration. There are some birth control pills that do this for 6 months (seasonale) but most birth control pills can do this as well. For safety wise, that depends on your physical maturation, history of menstration, risk factors. Best and complete answer is check with your PCP or OB/Gyn doctor. Any underage patient that speaks to a doctor pertaining to birth control is private and confidential to their parents.
Any birth control pill can be taken continuously (not taking the sugar pills) and it will prevent a period. GYN doctors prescribe this all the time it is safe. Alot of people say you will build up endometrium lining and that's bad...not true you will not build up lining or harm your body. There is also an injection Depro Provera which will stop your period and you get them every 3 months. I would talk to your doctor before to see what would be an appropriate method for you. The whole reason for stopping periods vary, most of the time its to stop painful, heavy flows.
No there isn't actually. Talk to your doctor about your situation and see what he/she says.
I would NOT recommend the shot. Horrible side affects. (on it for four years, no way would i recommend that for a 15 year old).
If you are on the pill, skipping sugar pills might NOT actually work, you could still get it AND mess up your cycle in the process (happened to me, never again am I skipping pills).
Sorry if I sound snarky, but you ruined the trip not your period. Don't let it run your life. Take tampons, and pamprin with you.
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