
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is their such thing as taking too many suppliments??

I am currently taking per day

3 red clover tablets
3 green tea tablets
3 cod liver tables
1 one a day multi vitamin
1 iron pill

I take this stuff for to shrink a fibroid tumor in my uterus. The one a day is just for regular vitiamin and the iron pill is because I have low blood.

Am I taking too many pills? Can all of this hurt me? I feel like an old lady taking all of this but I am only 31.
Hi Cheryl,

It's not so much how many pills but rather how much of each dose you are taking. For example. it's not that you are taking 3 pills of red clover it's that you are taking 1500mg of red clover a day. Many supplements, if taken in very high doses, can be toxic. Vitamin A for example is quite toxic at very high doses. I'm sorry but I can only comment on what a "theraputic" dose versus the instructions on the bottle for the supplements that I take. You may want to tally how much Vitamin A you are getting with the cod liver and multi-vitamin. When I started Fish Oil theraphy for cholesterol and tryglicerides my doctor tol me not to take Cod Liver oil because it too is rich in Vitamin A. Since my multi vitamin has an extremely high dose of vitamin A already and I do take 2x the amount (am and pm) my doctor advised me against the cod liver.

Next time you go to your doctor brown paper bag it. Bring in all the supplements that you are taking and show him or her. Ask them if you are taking enough or too much. Remember, doses on the bottles/packaging are for maintenance and are at a much lower dose than what would be required for a theraputic dose; bottles don't tell you how much for that!

If it makes you feel any better, I'm only 37. I take 2 multi vitamins (x2), 4x1000 mg Vit C (over the course of the day; the body can only handle 1000mg at a time, any more and you simply urinate it out; more than 8000mg and you are hitting toxic levels), 200mg Selenium (x2), 400mg Vit E, 1000mg B12, 4500 mg Fish Oil and that's only the vitamins. Then there's medications!

too much of a good thing is never good. i'd cut out some of the red clover, green tea, and cod pills. why not take just 1 of those, and cut out the green tea altogether? u can drink green tea everyday and still get benefits.
Yes, there is with the one a day and the iron pill:

See this video to learn information that is brand new here:
supplements are ok to take. You are actually taking just a few. I am taking twenty different supplements, and I am ok.
Whatever your body lacks you can supplement without ill effects.
i take several supplements a day. it depends on the supplements on whether or not you could be taking too much.

the best thing to do is to ask your dr or pharmacist what their opinion is of the supplements you are taking. they might be able to suggest other supplements that would be better.

hope this helps. just my opinion.
Yes, you can take too many supplements. I wonder who would tell you that you can shrink a fibroid with this stuff. I sure wouldn't think so. As for the iron, you should have blood work done periodically to see if you are still anemic, cause with any kind of supplement, too much can be bad for you.
You should not be taking extra iron pills, it's inn the multivitamin already and taking too much iron can lead to iron poisoning and even death. Also, taking too much vit. C is bad for your kidneys.
Well it depends on who told you to take all of this. Yes there can be a thing a taking to many supplements. It can affect your health. If you have talked to your Dr and all these are fine and he or she See's no problem and is watching your blood work then there should be no problem.

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