Answer: Do you have a picture? Can I see them?
Just kidding.
When you're married and start having children you'll have larger breasts. Until then, enjoy your body. My sis is big enough that they hurt her back and cause her lots of distress. It's not worth feeling like you lack because some men see flatter chested woman as many men see large chested woman. It's a matter of opinion. Personally I'm turned on by smaller chested woman. Did I just admit that in this forum. Oh dear. :o
push up braw!
There are creams available for breast enlargements. You have the internet, check it out.
I heard shoving socks down your bra works well.
eat like crazy and pack on 100 lbs
Actually yes there is. I was just looking into it myself. Its a little bit expensive, but no more than surgery. This website should help.
There is one sure fire 100% reliable way to get bigger breasts. Ready.
Get pregnant. Hey you asked.
Nope, sorry. Unless you want to put tissues in your bra.
Well there is bras that will induce the size for you if that is what your looking for . I buy my bras at good old walmart. And you need to buy the ones that are kind of like low and will actully give them a lift and at same time give you cleavege. I dont no if this is the answer your looking for but . I dont think that there is really anything else that will make them bigger other wise.
Short of 'devices' that you can wear, since breast tissue is mostly fatty tissue, gaining weight will make it grow. Unfortunately, so can the rest of the body. But if you measure your bodyfat and keep at under 20% you should be pleased with your existing development at that fat level
Sorry sweetie,take it from an expert hahaha.Don't waste a penny on any creams or pills.I was flat as a pancake %26 I tried the pills %26 it's garbage!Implants is all I can suggest,sorry :(
only weight gain!
There is a enhancement pill, similar to the penis enhancment pill! But when you quit taking the pill your breast will go back to the original size! However, I am not sure how safe this method is.
Hope this helps!
I read in a mag. where u can increase the "muscle" behind the breast to make them appear larger
There are plenty of ways you can enhance your breast size without implants! My girlfriend occasionally uses "Chicken Fillets" which are soft rubbery things that have a sticky back lining, these give a natural enhancement and come in different skin colours so they look very disguised. Even though i always tell my gf that she doesn't need them they make her fell more confident. Another way is the traditional but effected Wonder Bra which lifts the breast adding more cleavage and a fuller bust...I actually think girls don't need any of this stuff but if it makes them feel better then why not! There are a bunch of different types of bras that can give you a fuller
bust, my gf even wears the rubber fillets with a bra and it looks pretty good!
water bra?
Try this (I am in week 2 of it)
It is a medical device that makes your breast larger by stress induction.
No Surgery
Cheaper then surgery
All natural
Nothing implanted/ No return surgeries/Scaring/ ect
Payment plans available
FDA Aproved class 2 medical device (So- not a sham)
(I learned about it from the discovery channel)
Takes tons of dedication and time 10-12 weeks, 10 hours a day.
Only makes breast bigger by 100cc's (smallest implant is 250cc) about 1 cup size -(but I think you can keep going until you hit C cup)
You have to sleep on your back while you wear this thing.
(Belive me, you dont' want anyone to see you out of the house with this thing.)
What it is: You place 2 domes over your breasts and they are suctioned larger and swelling is induced. After a couple of weeks time, your bodies "heals" your breasts.
After 10-12 weeks, you should have gained a cup size up.
According to the company, the ratio of fat to gland is the same before and after, so it's the same breast- just bigger.
I have chosen this method because:
I can't afford 6000+ on surgery (This cost $950)
implants only made to live 15 years (then may need replacing, although plenty of people have had them 20+ years)
Surgery leaves scars, implants shift, break, harden calcify. Return surgery is almost certain.
I dont' need "Perfect" Breasts, just looking for a little improvement.
PS: Keep away from all Creams and pills. The pills make your breasts bigger by making you gain weight!!- and the creams are completely useless
One breast? No ideas here.
Pills and creams won't work, and surgery is way too costly.
I use 'ckicken cutlets' that you can get at Vicky's or, better still, at WalMart !They actually look like a stick on bra or boobs even! They are soft, rubbery, and skin tone. They look like chicken cutlets. Put them into a push up bra and poof you just uped your bossoms by 2 cup sizes, and as a pro at the end of the night you take it all off- you can wear it when out on weekends or even in a baithing suit but you don't have to wear it to work or when visiting with family- lol-so no one thinks you are trashy.